Category: Publications
Shari‘a, Inshallah: Finding God in Somali Legal Politics
Politics Chair and Legal Studies Program Director Mark Fathi Massoud wrote a book published by Cambridge University Press in 2021 that shares findings from Somalia’s history that upend the conventional account of secular legal progress and demonstrate instead how faith in a higher power guides people toward the rule of law.
The Senate: From White Supremacy to Governmental Gridlock
Professor Dan Wirls wrote a book for University of Virginia Press in 2021 that examines the Senate in relation to our other institutions of government and the constitutional system as a whole, exposing the role of the “world’s greatest deliberative body” in undermining effective government and maintaining white supremacy in America.
The Political Economy of Segmented Expansion: Latin American Social Policy in the 2000s
Associate Professor Sara Niedzwiecki coauthored a 2022 publication for Cambridge University Press’s Elements in Politics and Society in Latin America series that examines the expansion of social policy programs across Latin America and the remaining differences in access and benefit levels, gaps in service quality, and unevenness across policy sectors.