Undergraduate Experiential Learning
Students in the Politics Department often pursue hands-on learning opportunities, where they can gain real-world experience and put into practice the knowledge and skills they’ve learned in the classroom. Some of these experiences give students a chance to live and study in centers of political power at the state and national level.
The UCDC program supervises and supports students who pursue a quarter of academic study and internship work in the nation’s capital. Internship placements are geared toward student interests, including but not limited to government and public policy, science and the environment, education and the arts, advocacy and nonprofit organizations, law, and business and finance. Students live in the UC Washington Center with students from other UC campuses, which provides an intellectual and social community throughout the quarter.
The program is open, through a competitive application process, to students in all majors who are in good standing and will be juniors or seniors by the quarter in which they participate. Financial aid eligibility is maintained throughout the program. The UCSC Global Learning website has more information on how to apply, associated costs, internship options, and alumni experiences.
UC Center Sacramento
Just steps away from the state Capitol, the University of California’s UC Student and Policy Center building is the educational home to the UC Center Sacramento: A public policy program for students from across UC to come to the capitol for internships and real-world experience with state government. UCSC juniors and seniors with a minimum 3.0 GPC can apply to spend a quarter taking classes and participating in internships or research at UC Center Sacramento.
Independent Study
When it is not possible for a student to participate in an organized internship or field studies course or program, they can consider asking a faculty member to sponsor them to pursue an Independent Field Study through a POLI 198 course. The POLI 198 course allows students to petition to study independently on topics of special interest to them, which can include research related to an internship, as well as directed readings, research projects. Please note that faculty schedules may prevent them from sponsoring independent study courses. Our undergraduate advising page offers more details and an application form
POLI 180: Internship/Field Seminar: Experiences in Law, Politics, and Policy
This course is offered as a summer session and must be combined with an internship, which students should obtain before enrolling. It provides structured class meetings and work to complement the internship experience. Internships usually require a minimum of 10 hours/week for 10 weeks. Student intern participants are evaluated based on a supervisor evaluation (from their internship placement organization), field notes/weekly reflections, and a final research paper. POLI 180 meets the PR-S service-learning GE and is cross-listed as LGST 185.
Huerta Center Undergraduate Legislative Fellowship
The Huerta Center’s Undergraduate Legislative Fellowship introduces students to public service through paid field study opportunities in California state legislators’ offices. Fellows gain hands-on work experience, participate in professional development sessions, and receive mentorship from the center’s faculty director throughout the fellowship. Applications open at the end of each fall quarter.
![activist dolores huerta with politics students](https://politics.wordpress.ucsc.edu/files/2024/07/Huerta-with-politics-students-1024x683.jpg)